Driven To Go Green
Net zero climate strategy targets are now front and center for every corporation and government. These targets include the Scope 3 emissions from employees that commute to work. Despite these targets, both public transit and carpooling use for commuters have been in decline for years. We have developed TangoRide to help organizations decrease their Scope 3 emissions, and materially increase the disposable income of their employees.
TangoRide helps cities and organizations address their mobility and Scope 3 emission problems by offering a new category of commuting for workers: Real-Time, Choreographed Carpooling. .
Together we can do better
The corporate benefits of TangoRide include:
- Helps verify Scope 3 commuter emission reductions for each corporation
- Reduces employee car parking demand
- Develops company culture with employees sharing daily in-person interactions
- No user licencing fees. The TangoRide mobile app is free to download
- Lowers employee stress and fatigue through less traffic congestion
- Increases employee safety by decreasing total rush-hour drivers
- Shrinks commute times for employees using inconvenient public transit
- Increased corporate productivity by enticing employees back to the office
- Creates employee mentorship opportunities through face-to-face carpool conversations
- Ability to collaborate with neighboring businesses to maximize carpooling reliability
- No extra insurance requirements for employees providing daily carpooling trips
- Opportunity for employees to win rewards and share in verifiable carbon credit proceeds
Share a ride and reduce
By sharing a ride with at least one other TangoRide user, employees literally take a vehicle off the road, which reduces trip emissions by at least 50%, (and nearly 100% if users leverage an existing Electric Vehicle for their commutes).
Road Congestion
When a solo driving employee becomes a TangoRide passenger, they leave their vehicle at home which improves traffic flow and public safety for all.
Car & Tire Replacement
By reducing unnecessary driving, employees extend their vehicle life, which means emissions associated with new car and tire production are reduced.
Flexibility and Choice
TangoRide is all about inclusion, which means employees can be matched with drivers not just within your organization, but throughout the larger community. Also, with TangoRide, Drivers can offer a ride, and Passengers can request a ride, anytime, anywhere. This provides greater flexibility, reliability and choice for your employees.
Since 80% of Global CO2 emissions come from cities and vehicles are responsible for ~33% of a city’s CO2 emissions, it is important for colleagues to consider how sharing a journey to work can make a significant difference. A great deal of reaching society’s net zero targets rests in the daily driving decisions we make.
Carpooling using TangoRide is the easiest way to assist employees in changing their commuting habits with the added confidence of the app using the latest ride-share safety & security features.
We are here to help.
As an ESG, human resources or communications professional, you are not alone. TangoRide can support you and your organization by providing marketing collateral, videos and access to the website to educate staff further, while the app has dedicated technical support.
We’d love to share your journey to net zero.